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225 Aragon Ave
Coral Gables, FL 33134

Bail Bonds in Martin County, FL

Telephone: 888-354-9011

When someone you know has been arrested in Martin County, Florida, it is important to get the bail bonds process started as soon as possible. In Martin County, Brennan Bail Bond agency is the go to bail bonds company. We have the experience and the expertise to answer every question you have and help guide you through the bail bonds process.

Although the process is confusing, we can help you through it. You need to collect as much information as possible pertaining to the arrest of your friend or family member. If the person is missing and you don't have the information, we can call local police departments and get the answers for you.
We can help you no matter what.


5 main options for release from jail

Bail Bond

A bail bond, or surety bond, is used to secure funds that can be posted as bail. The defendant must promise to attend all scheduled court hearings in return for being released from jail. The bail company will assess the risk of taking on the bond and then work with the co-signer to find out a way where all parties will benefit.

Own Recognizance (or O.R.)

When a defendant is released on their “own recognizance”, it means the judge believed that the person truly intends to attend their court hearings. Only individuals who are charged with minor crimes get the chance to bail out on their own merit.

Property Bond

A property bond is one that is secured or backed up with various types of collateral. Homes, boats, vehicles and expensive jewelry can all be used as forms of collateral. In most cases, the equity of the property must be over 150 percent of the total amount of the bail bonds. Property bonds can take several days to finish, and if the defendant fails to appear, the co-signer would forfeit their property.

Cash Bail

For a defendant to be released on a cash bond, the entire amount must be posted. There are various forms of payment that can be used. All funds used to secure a cash bond must be verified to prove they were received legally.
Once the case is over, the entire amount of the cash bond will be returned to the co-signer, minus and court or attorney fees.

Citation Release

A Cite Out or citation release bond involves giving the defendant a ticket or citation that informs them of the date and time for which they are to appear in court. This is common in most traffic violations.

Martin County Jail
800 S.E. Monterey Road
Stuart, Florida 34994
(772) 220-7220

Martin County Clerk of Courts
Felony: (772) 288-5536
Misdemeanor: (772) 221-1338

Martin County State Attorney
(772) 288-5440

Martin County Public Defender
(772) 462-2048