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225 Aragon Ave
Coral Gables, FL 33134

Bail Bonds in Monticello, FL

Telephone: 888-354-9011

Our website is designed to provide our customers with the most accurate information possible. We want our clients in Monticello, Florida to be able to visit the page and have all of their questions answered. Our website was created to show our clients that Brennan Bail Bonds is the right agency if they want 100 percent confidential, professional service.

If a loved one has been arrested in Monticello, Florida, the hardest part of the ordeal is waiting on the bail bonds process to be complete so they can be released from jail. The most important thing for you to do is to hire a reputable bail bonds agency. Brennan Bail Bonds is at your service. Call our office at 888-354-9011 and speak to one of our agents. You will always talk to licensed agent when you call us.

No matter where you are, you can post bond by using our Bail by Phone service. With a credit/debit card or a Western Union bank transfer, we can secure your bond and get the release process started. We only require 10 percent of the total bail premium to post a bond in Monticello, Florida. With Brennan Bail Bonds, we take the stress out of the circumstances.

What is Bail?

A bail bond is a legal and binding contract that acts like an insurance policy. A co-signer secures a bond with a specific amount of money to obtain the release of a defendant. Once the defendant has been released, they are required to appear at all scheduled court hearings. If they do not, the bond is forfeited and the co-signer is responsible for the total amount of the bond. In some cases, collateral is required to secure the bond. Cars, homes, boats and jewelry of substantial value may be used. When this occurs, it is known as a “property bond”.

In Monticello, Florida, bail can range from a thousand dollars to well over a million. Several factors are involved in the setting of the bond amount. After the completion of the case, the bond will be released to the co-signer.